Enough Is Enough

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Nuking global warming.

Every decade there’s a new reason why the environment is going to kill us. The 70’s had animal/insect attacks of all sorts, such as “The Swarm”, “Kingdom Of The Spiders”, heck even “Night of the Lupus”. The 80’s had acid rain, now the 90’s is Global Warming. (Of course there was throughout the constant threat of nuclear war and nuclear winter, as well as nuclear power plants going kablooie, such as the China Syndrome, however those are more “we did that to ourselves” kind of stuff.) Oh yeah, the ozone hole too, I’ll get to that as well. And El Nino/la nina.

So now we have this ramped up belief in Global Warming. Next decade it’s going to be moon dust. Every time the left comes up with “we’ve got proof, it’s real, so now we have to do X to stop it”, when you look at the fine print you see “caution, results may vary with actual reality”.

I’m pretty much now a political junkie, but I’ve always been a science junkie. I read Popular Science, Scientific American, all the good ones. Now even in those there’s the left tilt, however the caveat is that they have such huge peer review that they can’t print anything unless it’s able to be verified a hundred ways. So Pop-Sci can’t pronounce the world is flat and get away with it, although they usually take about the thirtieth paragraph to mention it. Wish the NY Times was that way.

Every now and then they have environmental issues such as global warming, as you read the details you learn alot about how the world actually works, and it’s quite fascinating. Once you really get how and why things work you understand that global warming as described by the leftist is completely bogus.

Let’s back up a second and go with the last big scare: Acid Rain. Basically when water vapor floats around the sky it latches onto a piece of dust, which then forms a rain drop and falls to the ground. However if the water vapor latches onto a carbon dioxide molecule it creates a weak acid; carbonic acid. That’s “Acid rain”. Now if it were to fall on your skin it wouldn’t kill you but it would be mildly unpleasant, mostly it’s when it’s concentrated in lakes and streams that it becomes a problem. Notice though since the 80’s we haven’t heard much about Acid rain.

The underlining theory of how global warming is created is that factories, cars, etc., all create pollution, however the active part is an increase in  carbon dioxide gases. These create a thermal layer which keeps the sun’s rays inside, thus rising the general temperature of the earth. We then get warming oceans, melting ice caps, and beach-front property in the Arctic circle.

So have you noticed the flaw with that? If there is an increase in carbon dioxide gas emission how come no increase in acid rain? We should be getting story after story of acid rain everywhere, but we’re not. Of course if more acid rain is occurring then that would clean out alot of those greenhouse gases, which would lead to cooling.

The only way that there can be more global warming but less acid rain is if there is less rain entirely, and there’s no studies that show that. Nor is there large desertification due to said lack of rain.

Ok, the scientists say the oceans are warming. If that’s true then it will increase the rate of evaporation, which also cools the oceans, and there would be more rain formations, which would reduce the level of CO2 gases. The logic just doesn’t work sometimes.

So all that churning and sweating and melting and freezing, and we get “El Nino and la nina”. El Nino was supposed to be this big surge in storm number and intensity, caused by the global warming trends. How come we haven’t heard anything about that in years? And when it didn’t happen that first year they said “ooohhhhh, that means it’s ‘la nina’. Now they’re just making this up as they’re going.

When it comes down to it the Earth knows what it’s doing, even and especially when we don’t. It’s a finely tuned mechanism that has been going on for millions of years, and will go on for millions of years after we’re all dust. Everything, including us, are part of that biosphere, everything that happens will have a natural counter.

The rule in environment 101 is “for every stressor there is an equal and opposite stressor”. Suppose there is a mountain lion by you, and you shoot it. It may seem minuscule, but you created a stressor. Now all the deer in the region will multiply, which may not seem a big thing. Until they become over-populated. The stressor continues. The counter-stressor is then for either an introduction of another predator, or famine and disease begin to reduce the population. The stressor is relieved.

I was walking through the park one day. And I was just watching these squirrels. I got up in the “oh how cute” and all that. And I watched how they were finding the nuts and burying them. That’s when all this became one cohesive thought, about the Earth and all that. Something simple as a squirrel. I mean if you wanted to can you create a bird? Or an earthworm? Why aren’t we up to our armpits in leaves? Nature already figured all this out. A nut falls from a tree and may lay on top of the grass until it rots in the sun and rain. But a squirrel comes by and buries it, mostly to protect it for future eating, but the odds are he’s never going to find all of them. Even if he misses 10% of them that could be say a hundred trees growing around that area made possible by a rodent, one that’s been developed by Nature to do just that.

So I’m not worried about global warming or things like that. Ozone hole? Please, there isn’t one. The enviro-nutbags tried to hit us with that a few years ago, notice again how they got real quiet on that.

Oxygen is O2, two oxygen molecules forming a very stable bond. Ozone is O3, a very unstable molecule. Atoms tend not to like going from stable to unstable, they don’t do it spontaneously, unless they are coaxed in the extreme. Enter in lightning. There are thousands of lightning storms going on around the world, constantly generating ozone. Of course we’re helping in smaller amounts with giant generators, motors on elevators and escaltors, even the spark plugs in our cars.

How come we’re not choking on ozone though? Because Nature figured out a way to keep the ozone level at a reasonable amount. The ozone layer is there to protect us from the harsh radiation of the sun, but how does it work exactly? When the rays of the sun hit the ozone it breaks apart those unstable bonds and makes it form back to O2, which then absorb that radiation in the process. So that harmful stuff doesn’t get through as much.

“But there are holes! And they’re cause by all those aerosol cans!” ok, where are the holes? They’re over the Arctic and the Antarctic. They also tend to fluctuate, sometimes they’re big and other times they’re small.

First why are the holes there in the first place? The Earth is not only protected by the ozone layer but it’s also creating a magneto-sphere by the rotation of the iron core in the center of the Earth. This magneto-sphere deflects the majority of the harmful radiation, but it does concentrate it at the poles. Hence why we see the “Northern Lights”, that’s the sun’s radiation interacting with the magneto-sphere.

But remember, that same radiation also destroys ozone. So concentrate the radiation and of course you also get a hole there, duh. If there wasn’t a hole then I would be worried. There was so much scare tactics about the use of CFCs, if every one had been released in the world it would create such a small, and temporary, impact no one would notice. Now if there was an ozone hole over L.A. or China, then you can get back to me.

As to why it flucutates, because the sun’s radiation isn’t constant. There are flare-ups, down times, and huge sun-spot all the time. So as the radiation rises and falls so does the ozone hole grows and shrinks.

“So how come we have global warming, we have proof that it’s happening?” It may be, I don’t dispute that. I just don’t believe that we’re the cause of it. If it were then some scientist can replicate it in a lab format. Create a hermetically sealed warehouse and show us. They keep saying they can predict it’s going to happen ten years from now, so what’s next Saturday’s weather? How about you do something simple, make it snow in the desert. Purposefully make it rain. Stop a tornado or huricane.

There’s the refrain of how small things lead to the larger, how the butterfly creates a huricane half a world away. For one, let’s find that butterfly and kill it, stop all hurricanes. An easy way to prove this, release that butterfly and time when the next hurricane is. Each and every time that butterfly flies we then see how it impacts the world with all the satellites and sensors. See how ridiculous this is? I never believed this.

When it comes down to it what these people are doing is creating a fear in people so they can sneak in something, and it’s always against people’s best interests. If it wasn’t then they would put it right up front, “this is what I’m proposing”, so we can give a yea or nay. No, if you say no then WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!! And that to me is more reprehensible then anything.

December 2, 2006 - Posted by | Environmental, Politics

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